Wednesday 30 October 2013



During enjoying the movie, 5 most important characters in Wall-E are list out as per below:- 

Brief details
Voice produced by (actors)

The only robot of his kind shown to be still functioning on Earth
Ben Burtt

A probe robot whose directive is to locate vegetation on Earth and verify habitability
Elissa Knight

Captian B. McCrea
The commander, on the Axiom
Jeff Garlin

Shelby Forthright
CEO of the Buy n Large Corporation, the only live action character with a speaking role
Fred Willard

Axiom's computer
The controller system in Axiom
Sigourney Weaver

Synopsis of the movie:
In 2805, Earth is covered in garbage due to decades of mass consumerism facilitated by the megacorporation Buy 'n' Large (BnL). In 2105, BnL evacuates Earth's population in fully automated starliners, leaving behind WALL-E trash compactor robots to clean the planet. Eventually BnL abandons its plan and shuts down the WALL-E robots, except for one which develops sentience after 700 years of life-experience. He manages to remain active by repairing himself using parts from other units. Apart from his regular duties, he inquisitively collects artifacts of human civilization and keeps them in his home, a storage truck.

One day WALL-E discovers a growing seedling. Later, a spaceship lands and deploys EVE, an advanced robot probe sent from the BnL starliner Axiom to search for vegetation on Earth. WALL-E falls in love with the initially cold and hostile EVE, who gradually softens and befriends him. When WALL-E brings EVE to his truck and shows her his collection, she sees the plant, automatically stores it inside herself, and goes into standby mode waiting for her ship to retrieve her. WALL-E, not understanding why EVE seems to have shut down, tries numerous methods to reactivate her, to no avail. When EVE's automated ship returns and collects EVE, WALL-E clings to its hull and thus travels through space back to the Axiom.

On the Axiom, the descendants of the ship's original passengers have become morbidly obese after centuries of relying on the ship's automated systems for their every need. The ship's 6th captain, McCrea, leaves most of the ship's operations under the control of its robotic autopilot, Auto.

WALL-E follows EVE to the bridge of the Axiom, where the Captain learns that by putting the plant in the ship's holo-detector to verify Earth's habitability, the Axiom will make a hyperjump back to Earth so the passengers can recolonize it. However, Auto orders McCrea's robotic assistant GO-4 to steal the plant as part of his own no return directive, which was issued to all BnL autopilots after the corporation incorrectly concluded in 2110 that the planet could not be saved.

With the plant missing, EVE is considered defective and taken to the repair ward along with WALL-E (for cleaning). WALL-E mistakes the process on EVE for torture and tries to save her, accidentally releasing a horde of malfunctioning robots. The on-board security systems then designate both WALL-E and EVE as "rogue robots". Angry with WALL-E's disruptions, EVE brings him to the escape pod bay to send him home. There they witness GO-4 dispose of the missing plant by placing it inside a pod which is set to "self-destruct mode". WALL-E enters the plant's pod, which is then jettisoned into space. WALL-E escapes with the plant before the pod explodes. Reconciling with EVE, they celebrate with a dance in space outside the Axiom.

The plant is brought to the captain, who surveys EVE's recordings of Earth and concludes that mankind must return to restore their ruined home. However, Auto reveals his directive and stages a mutiny. He tasers WALL-E, severely damaging him, when he tries to protect the plant. EVE realizes the only parts for repairing WALL-E are in his truck back on Earth. She helps him bring the plant to the holo-detector to activate the ship's hyperjump. McCrea opens the holo-detector and fights Auto for control of the ship. Auto partially crushes WALL-E by closing the holo-detector on him. Auto is eventually disabled by McCrea, and EVE places the plant in the holo-detector, which frees a crushed WALL-E and sets the Axiom on the instant hyperjump to Earth.

EVE brings WALL-E back to his home where she repairs and reactivates him. After the repair WALL-E no longer recognizes EVE, reverting to his original programming as an unfeeling waste compactor. Heartbroken, EVE gives WALL-E a farewell kiss that jolts WALL-E's memory, and his personality returns. WALL-E and EVE happily reunite as the humans and robots of the Axiom begin to restore Earth and its environment. During the end credits, slideshows through a series of artworks WALL-E and EVE are seen holding hands in front of a large tree, which is revealed to have grown from the tiny plant that brought humankind home.

- - - - - - - - end of synopsis - - - - - - - -

Kids, teenager and parent would like to watch this movie, because the movie was not so childish and it set up in future, can attract teenager and parents.
We enjoyed and like this movie so much, because it has his own trend, totally different situation and background with a colorful animation played by a lot of cute characters, such as Wall-E and Eve. This movie also known as love story movie which always put our team in romance mood. It not only a love-story but it is a life-story too.
We would give rating 9 out of 10 stars for this movie.

The spoiler that would ruin this movie if we told our readers about it is, the way Shelby Forthright character played in live action, historical CEO of the Buy n Large Corporation, shown only in videos recorded around the time of the Axiom's initial launch. Constantly optimistic, Forthright proposed the evacuation plans, then to clean up and recolonize the planet. However, the corporation gave up after realizing how toxic Earth had become. Forthright is the only live action character with a speaking role, the first in any Pixar film.

Of course all movies have its own moral value, a lesson for us to take note, we manage to list it out as per below:-
  • Save the Earth, the storyline told us, human dumb our beloved Earth as a dustbin. Once they find out it can no longer support live? The problem is, they realize Earth becoming toxic because of them, they knew it but they don’t want to do something about and lastly decide to leave it behind. The moral value, it cannot be too late for us to save the Earth. Earth just alone, but we human are billions of brain. We can figure this matter out and solve it. Together we correct our mistake. Even though one day we manage to create our own handmade-Earth, yet it still cannot challenge the greatness of the Earth.
  • Determination, shown by Wall-E try to save a little sprout even though he need get thru a lot of obstacles along the way. Then, when human still didn't listen to him, he keep trying to shown it to them, even he just a "Dumpster Robot".
  • Love, shown by Eve and Wall-E, a very sweet couple that help each other for the sake of humanity. They just a robot, they had nothing to lose if the sprout die or vanish and the Earth left as a dustbin, however, they still show their concern on helping the human.

Title for our review, “the Earth is one and only”




During the movie
The 5 most important characters in the film are; and the actors playing their voice are:-  
  • Hatty Jones as Madeline
  • Frances McDormand as Miss Clavel
  • Nigel Hawthorne as Lord Covington (Lord Cucuface)
  • Kristian De La Osa as Pepito
  • Ben Daniels as Leopold the Tutor
The story is about a small girl named Madeline in an old house in Paris that was covered with vines. She lived with another eleven girls and wherever they go they walk in two straight lines wearing their hats, in line even when eating and even when brushing their teeth. Madeline is very good at getting into trouble, but she is also fabulous in solving problems, debating and commanding as well. However her school mistress Miss Clavel is not too approving of her. At the beginning of the movie the twelve girls including Madeline the smallest of the girls likes to eat chicken prepared by their cook Helene. The plot started when Madeline had appendicitis one night and had to be rushed to the hospital in an ambulance with her teacher giving her words of encouragement which is ‘I can do anything’. The scene ends with Madeline being put to sleep before her operation. Then the other eleven girls went on trip to visit Madeline in her sick bed at hospital after a few days. However rather than sick Madeline was way more hyper as usual. The night of the same day, Madeline sneaked out of her room and went walking. At this part the audience is given a bit of suspense as in what Madeline is up to. Then she enters a woman’s room which happens to be Lady Covington’s room. Lady Covington is the provider of the school in which Madeline stays and in their small talk Lady Covington told Madeline her secret which is her real name and where she carved her name when she was in the school as well. Then their talk was disturbed by Lord Covington whom Madeline seems to despise. The next day after being discharged from the hospital, Madeline will walk past Lady Covington’s room with Miss Clavel and she will be wondering where Lady Covington went since the bed was empty. Miss Clavel will tell her that Lady Covington passed away. While being driven back home, Madeline will be sitting at the back of car with a chicken. She thought that the chicken was going to be their pet but the truth told by their Helene was that the chicken is going to be cooked for dinner since Madeline is safe and sound. Madeline will be talking to the chicken as though they are both talking in the same language. At the dinner table, Helene came bringing the chicken cooked just the way Madeline loved it to be cooked. But then Madeline will hold as strike saying that ‘Fred’ the chicken was her friend and she lost her appetite. Then another girl will say she is going to eat the chicken no matter what. The debate will continue until the other girls start to pretend and make sounds like a chicken. In the middle of the so called debate Lord Covington will enter the hall to see Miss Clavel. He will be telling her that he is going to sell the house since his wife is now dead and that she has contributed too much to the school. He wants to sell it for an embassy, and his ruthlessness is such that he even paints over the marks on the wall showing how the girls have grown over the years. The movie continues with the girls being hungry in the middle of the night and sneaking into the kitchen to get something to eat. In the middle of their food adventure they will be surprised by a ghost suddenly appearing at the kitchen door. All the girls will scream out of fright meanwhile Madeline will be running toward the ghost yelling that she is not afraid of anything. However the ghost appeared to have two legs. Then Miss Clavel and Helene will catch the girls red handed sneaking into the kitchen. The plot continues with the girls being invited to Pepito’s birthday party, and the birthday boy appearing in a bull fighting attire and the girls wearing beautiful dresses. However the birthday does not end well when small mice’s will be released from their cages by Madeline. Then when running back home Madeline will steal the key from Pepito’s vespa. The twelve girls will then be grounded for making a scene a Pepito’s house. The movie is then continued with Madeline falling into the river and nearly drowning. She will be rescued by a dog. The dog will then search for her till her school. Madeline will name the dog Genevieve. 

The movie is continued with Lord Covington trying to sell the house and Madeline making plans to stop it. In order to revenge back Lord Covington will catch Genevieve and chase it out of the school. The next day, Madeline and her friends will go looking for Genevieve and will not find the dog. In order to cheer them Miss Clavel will bring them to the circus and this is where Madeline will make a decision to run from the school and join the circus team, since the school will be selled to ambassador and all the girls will be sent back to their family but Madeline does not have one. This is when she will see Pepito being kidnapped by his tutor and she will be tied to him as well.  They will be kidnapped and Miss Clavel will only realise that Madeline is missing when she reach back home already. The movie continues with some running and catching and some humor part but in the end Madeline will safely reach back home and the 12 girls will not be sent back home.

- - - - - - - end of synopsis - - - - - - -

The group of people that would like to watch this film are:-
  • Family and children, teenage and even adolescent who still like to watch comedy movie with a good story line.

The group of people that would like to watch this film are:-

  • Family and children, teenage and even adolescent who still like to watch comedy movie with a good story line.

After the movie
Yes, we do like this movie, because we actually got inspired by the main character-Madeline who always thinks out of the box and also face her obstacles bravely. Besides, she will not ever give up and shows perseverance in all her actions and plans.

Rating that we would like to give for this movie

  • 8 of 10

The spoilers that would ruin this movie if we told our readers about it are:-

  • For an example, When Lord Covington decided to sell the school and lastly he got influenced by Madeline to cancel out this decision.

The moral value, we learn from this movie are:-

  • Brave, this moral value is shown by Madeline. This can be seen in the movie when the girls sneaked into the kitchen for their late night supper. At that time, when they were looking around the kitchen for something to eat, Pepito who was dressed up as a ghost came to scare them. All the girls in the kitchen except Madeline screamed their lungs out while Madeline chases the so called ghost shouting “I’m not afraid of anything”. So, this clearly shows that even though all the girls are of same age, Madeline is braver than any of them.
  • Perseverance is another moral value shown by the main character, Madeline. This can be seen in the movie when Madeline tried to stop Lord Covington from selling the house to the ambassador. She made a plan to sabotage the house when Lord Covington brought the Indian ambassador.   

The title that we would like give for this review is:-

  •  The adventurous story of a little girl.